Tuesday, December 31, 2019

How to write a resume for Applicant Tracking Systems

How to write a resume for Applicant Tracking SystemsHow to write a resume for Applicant Tracking SystemsRecruiters have always been quick to judge resumes, this is leidhing new. However, nowadays many resumes are not even glanced at by people, they are filtered out immediately by Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).What is an applicant tracking ordnungsprinzip?An ATS is a type of software employers use to filter resumes and decide who are the strongest candidates. An ATS scans a resume for keywords and judges whether the candidates have the relevant skills and experience.ATS systems save employers time as they reduce the number of resumes that need to be scanned manually. Whetherwe like them or not they are here to stay.The good news is, if you understand how an ATS works, it is simple to produce a resume using a resume builder which beats the ATS and gets you through to the interview stage.How to write a resume for an Applicant Tracking SystemIf your resume includes the keywords the em ployer is looking for then the ATS will rank your resume highly and your resume will be shortlisted. The keywords are different for each job which means you have to tailor your resume for each job application.The keywords include the required skills, qualifications, and work experiencespecific to the job. Thankfully, the keywords an ATSlooks for isnt a secret. They are generally listed in the job posting.Customizing your resume for each job application can be time-consuming. Using a resume templateis an effective way of making quick edits and producing a professional-looking resume. Knowing how to beat as applicant tracking system is key and you can do it by following the steps listed belowTips on how to beat an ATS and get a job interviewWriting a resume which is not filtered out by an ATS recruitment systemis simple as long as you follow these steps. It is also important to remember that your resume will be read by a person after the ATS has scanned it. It is important to write an ATS-friendlyresume which is eye-catching, concise, and error-free.1) Identify the applicant tracking system keywordsRead each job posting carefully and highlight the keywords. Focus on soft skills such as communication skills as well as your hard skills. Think about what the employer is looking and make a list of keywords.2) Work the keywords into your resumeFind a natural way to use the keywords youve identified in your resume. You can include them in your job descriptions, achievements, and skill section. Make sure you use any industry-specific terminology which is used in the job posting.3) Use the exact words and related wordsIt is important to include the keywords exactly as they are written in the job posting. At the same time, you should avoid repetition. If there is a skill or requirement which is clearly central to the job role you should try and mention it more than once, but use synonyms as well as the keywords.4) Optimize your job rolesIf a specific job title is mention ed in the job posting try and include the same words. Do not invent job titles as it is not worth the risk. But, if you have held the position, word the job title as it is in the job posting.5) Include job datesDont leave off the dates of employment as some ATS systems measure the amount of experience you have. A chronological resume is an effective format as the amount of experience is clearly presented for the ATS.6) Dont sacrifice readabilityDont force keywords into your resume at the expense of readability. A person will look at your resume once it gets past the ATS stage so make sure it is clear and concise. Read a guide on how to write a resume to make sure your resume is up-to-scratch.7) Make sure your social media profiles are consistent with your resumeSome employers also use software to scan the LinkedIn profiles and other social media profiles of job candidates to check whether the information between their resume and social media is consistent. Make sure it is.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Interview Questions to Expect from These 10 Flexible Companies

Interview Questions to Expect from These 10 Flexible CompaniesInterview Questions to Expect from These 10 Flexible CompaniesAnyone searching for a new job will tell you that one of the great unknowns of the process is exactly what the recruiter or hiring manager will ask you once you get to the interview phase. Its tough to tell what interview questions to expect.Sure, you may have a pretty good idea what some of the standard questions will be, but it seems like every company or manager has one or two off-the-wall or unexpected interview questions that could throw you for a loop.Fortunately, those questions are often repeated during the course of several interviews, so the word gets around. If you can find out what might be asked, you can gain some insight into your potenzial new employer and better prepare for an interview when your time comes.For example, here are 10 businesses that found a place on the 2018 list of the top 100 companies that offer remote work opportunities, along with questions youre likely to hear when you interview with them. The questions come courtesy of Glassdoor, but with a little research, you may find similar information elsewhere on the Internet, too.Naturally, the questions youll be asked vary based on the position for which you are interviewing. However, even some that are specific to a particular job can help you understand the tone a company uses when searching for new employees.Here are some interview questions to expect from behauptung 10 flexible companies1. AmazonGive an example of a time when you went above and beyond in your job and describe the impact it had.Tell me about a situation in which you didnt reach your goal.Tell me a time you failed. What happened, and what would you do differently?As an area manager, who is your customer?Click here for more questions you may be asked during an Amazon interview.2. DellWhat is your value proposition?How would your team describe you in one sentence?Tell me about a difficult situ ation you encountered at your previous workplace.Why do you think you are a good fit for the job?How was one way you went above and beyond for a customer, and how did they react to your help?Click here for more questions you may be asked during a Dell interview.3. HiltonDo you find yourself to be reliable?Tell me about a time when you worked with someone difficult.Tell me about a time when you had to prioritize many projects at one time.How do you handle gossip?Share about a time when someone took your remark/comment/direction in a negative way and how you dealt with it.Click here for more questions you may be asked during a Hilton interview.4. LiveopsWhy would you want to join Liveops?Say a customer wanted to order a product, but wasnt happy with the shipping price. How would you respond?Say that a customer calls and seems interested in one of your extra offers, but she says that she is worried about the price. How would you respond?Give an example of a time when you gave outstandi ng customer service?Tell me about a time when you provided compassionate customer service.Click here for more questions you may be asked during a Liveops interview.5. Robert Half InternationalWhat are three of your best qualities?Whats your career goal in the next five years?What makes you suitable to work here?What would your boss describe you as in four words?Are you OK with monotonous work?Click here for more questions you may be asked during a Robert Half International interview.6. SAPGiven a collection of distinct numbers, return all possible permutations.Why sales?Describe sales situations, such as where the customer had issues with the products, didnt like your pitch, etc.anthroponym a time that you had to see a project through from beginning to end.Describe a time when you had to analyze large sets of data.Click here for more questions you may be asked during an SAP interview.7. SodexoDescribe a time when you felt you were not going to meet a deadline. How did you handle it? How well do you do in social environments?What is the importance of good attendance to you?If you received a phone call, and you had to leave early, but need to meet a deadline for an important project, what would you do?Are you here for the benefits package?Click here for more questions you may be asked during a Sodexo interview.8. UnitedHealth GroupHow have you handled a difficult patient in the past?Describe a time you handled a stressful situation at work.Describe a time you couldnt provide a customer with answers. How did you deal with it without leaving the member unsatisfied?When you get a new smartphone, how do you go about learning its features?What are some side projects that you are working on?Click here for more questions you may be asked during a UnitedHealth Group interview.9. Wells FargoTell me about a time your job made a change you didnt agree with. How did you handle it?Tell me about a time you began a task that you thought would be easy, but turned out to be very difficult. How did you handle it?Tell me about your most proud career moment.Tell me a time you did the right thing even though it was a challenge to do so.Describe a time that you went out of your way to help a customer.Click here for more questions you may be asked during a Wells Fargo interview.10. XeroxHow do you handle stress?When was there a time that you had to troubleshoot a problem and were successful at solving it.What are some of your qualities that would be an asset here?Describe your experience teaching old dogs new tricks.What are your short-term goals and long-term goals?Click here for more questions you may be asked during a Xerox interview.Some of these questions are clever or creative, while others are standard or even banal. When youre going into a job interview, though, its impossible to have too much information to help you prepare. If you do your research and practice your interview skills, youll be ready for whatever question might come your way.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Horse Show Braider Career Profile

Horse Show Braider Career ProfileHorse Show Braider Career ProfileProfessional horse show braiders plait equine manes and tails for competition. Horse show braiding is both a skill and an art. Mane braiding involves the creation of dozens of separate plaits to cover the entire neck. These braids are often sewn in with yarn or secured with rubber bands. There are several different styles of braid including button braids for dressage, traditional knotted braids for hunter/jumper events, and banding for Western events. Duties A braider may braid and re-braid a horse several times during a multi-day show, or provide touch-ups when certain braids are loosened or begin to frizz. Braiders use equipment such as yarn, heavy thread, bands, combs, hair gel, clips, and step stools to assist with the braiding process. Many braiders wear a customized belt or apron that holds their equipment within easy reach. Professional braiders should be sure to maintain a photo book or website featuring ex amples of their workmanship. It only takes a few moments to document a successful braiding job, and that documentation can be invaluable when soliciting new clients. Those looking to get involved in professional braiding must be prepared to get up very early in the morning (or work all night) to ensure that clients are ready for competition. This is also a travel-intensive career, as braiders must visit clients at many different locations on the show circuit. Career Options Professional braiders can specialize by offering one particular type of braiding, or they may choose to offer braiding for several different types of competition. Each discipline has a different standard look and it can take some time to master each style. It is possible to have a full-time braiding business, but most professional braiders operate on a part-time basis. The part-time practitioners supplement their income by providing additional grooming services (such as clipping or mane pulling) or having ano ther sideline equine business (teaching lessons, boarding, etc). Some braiders also give clinics to teach others how to braid or make their own instructional products and braiding kits to sell. Education Training Braiders must learn by experience and extensive practice. They may learn more quickly by shadowing a skilled braider and assisting them at shows, especially if they have already mastered the basics. There are also many DVDs and books on the subject that can demonstrate the best braiding techniques. In the end, repetition is critical in developing the skill necessary to create polished and professional braids. Braiders must have excellent horsemanship skills and a strong knowledge of equine behavior. Their horse handling skills must be top notch, and they need to be comfortable working alone in a horses stall at night with minimal or no assistance available. This career path also requires excellent networking, marketing, and communication skills to interact effectively with riders and trainers. It is a reputation-cousined business, so it is particularly important that a braider provides excellent and reliable service to build up a solid client base that will lead to additional referrals. Many braiders start by doing their own horses (or those owned by a friend) at lower level shows, working their way up to top-level shows as they gain experience and recognition in the community. Salary The cost for braiding a horse (both mane and tail) usually ranges from $50 to $100 depending on the show circuit and accepted going rates in the area. Salary is, of course, dependent on how many horses a braider can schedule, the quality of their work, their reputation in the business, and how efficiently they are able to complete a braiding appointment. Those working at A level shows can expect to earn top dollar for their services. Most pro braiders can complete a mane and tail in well under an hour. Career Outlook Horse shows continue to be big business i n the equine industry, and professional mane braiders have become more common in recent years. A skilled braider should have little trouble finding at least a few clients to begin carving out a niche business, and this can certainly develop into a full-time career option over time.

Monday, December 16, 2019

5 Fun Things to Do for Your Career This Summer - The Muse

5 Fun Things to Do for Your Career This Summer - The Muse5 Fun Things to Do for Your Career This SummerI know, I know. Summer is a time for relaxing, for heading out at 5 PM sharp to enjoy a rooftop happy hour, for taking it a little, well, easy. Youll focus on scoring that versetzung getting your resume whipped into shape after Labor Day, right? Im with you Everyone needs a little down time, and summers the perfect time to take it. But, the lazy days of June, July, and August are also a great time to knock out a few of those activities you never seem to find time for the rest of the year.So, this season, check these five career-related to-dos off your list. (But dont worry, theyre all easy- and fun.) 1. Do Some Summer ReadingRemember that book your boss put on your desk in February- that you just havent gotten around to yet? Or the 10 pages about Designing Your Life you read before the new season of your favorite Netflix binge started? Yeah.But since youre lounging by the pool anywa y, add a bit of productivity the mix by picking up (or picking back up) one or two career-related books youve been meaning to check out. Need some inspiration? Check out this list of the 21 Books Thatll Get You Ahead at Work. 2. Throw a PartyOK, by party, I mean networking event- but hear me out Everyones in the mood for potlucks, BBQs, and happy hours all summer, so why not host one with a job-related focus? Have a few friends pick up the same book youre reading, then discuss over white wine on your patio. Or, grab three friends in your industry, ask them to each invite three others, and have a get-to-know-you happy hour after work. Youll make nine new connections with next to no effort Alternatively, you could invite your department over to your place for an office BBQ- its a fun, easy way to get to know your employees or team members better. 3. Take Long Lunch MeetingsWhen summer hours or mora relaxed workdays roll around, all you want to do is take long lunches on a patio, righ t? So, do it But, take advantage of this time and challenge yourself to set up lunch dates with one to two professional contacts each month. If youre looking for a new gig, pick people who work for the companies you love. (This template is perfect if its a cold ask to a stranger.)Want to score that promotion? Choose people youve worked with before or who are higher up in your industry who can give you insight into what it takes to get to the next level. Or, take a co-worker youve been wanting to get to know better or one of the interns who might benefit from your expertise (he or she will appreciate the out-of-office time, too).4. Make a List of Your Dream CompaniesUnless youre planning to stay at your company until you retire, its always a good idea to have a running list of organizations youd be thrilled to work for on hand. So, spend some time on a lazy afternoon (when you dont want to be doing anything else) browsing the web for workplaces in your area or field. What companies d o the kind of work youd love to do? Which have awesome clients or fantastic perks? What places do you hear about over and over as being great places to work? You can follow your favorite companies on social media or LinkedIn, pin photos from their websites to Pinterest, or- of course- favorite them on The Muse. Then, next time youre job-hunting- whether its in September or three years from now, youll have a great starting place. 5. DaydreamHeres the easiest, most fun one of all Treat yourself to a couple hours on a beach, on your roof deck, or in a hammock. Get comfortable, relax, and then allow yourself to just daydream about where your career might take you- two, five, even 10 years from now. Dont focus on whats possible or what you might have to do to get there- just allow your mind to wander and dream about the stuff that you probably dont get to in your day-to-day life. Do you want to be in a more creative role? Head up a new product or your department? Have a job that lets you travel? Start your own business? If youd rather, you can jot down your thoughts in a notebook or share them with a friend. Have something awesome in mind? Great. Now, think of just one thing you can do thatll help you get there. But dont worry- you can save that task for the fall.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Science says a bubble bath is better for your mental health than shower

Science says a bubble bath is better for your mental health than showerScience says a bubble bath is better for your mental health than showerIts time to start scrubbing out your bathtub because a newstudysuggests you may be missing out on a number of mental and physical health benefitsby choosing a rinse in the shower over a soak in the tub. No one would argue over the allure of a relaxing bubble bath, yet showering is still the most common form of bathing worldwide. Maybe you shower because its a timesaver. Or, maybe its a way to conserve water. Whatever the reason may be, these newly-researched bathtime health benefits will have you reconsidering your shower routine.In the new study, researchers from the Japan Health and Research Center, Tokyo City University and Jichi Medical University examined whether there were health benefits of taking a bath instead of a shower. It turns out, there were. The study included 33 Japanese people that were recruited online, at random, to particip ate. After spending two weeks bathing in only bathtubs, followed by two weeks in only showers, the subjects self-reported their health status and completed a survey that gauged how each bathing method impacted both their mental and physical health.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreAccording to the study, subjects reported that the two-week bathtub bathing period improved their health and skin conditions and decreased fatigue, stress and pain. They also said using a bath instead of a shower stimulated various physical benefits. Researchers hypothesize this has to do with hyperthermicaction, which increases body temperature, stimulates the metabolism and eliminates metabolicwaste products ultimately, causing the body to feel refreshed. Although this study has its limitations, such as the small sample size and limited Japanese demographic, theres still a compelling case as to why b aths trump showers in terms of individual health.We get it, you may just be more of a shower gal. But every once in a while, it may be nice to get the water running, throw in some bubbles and play your favorite chill-out playlist for a change. After all, you deserve some quality relaxation time. Plus, now we know your mind and body will thank you for it later.This article originally appeared on Swirled.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Choosing Hair Stylist Resume

Choosing Hair Stylist Resume While hitting all the proper notlagees in your resume may appear a daunting job, it doesnt need to be. The point is to grab focus at the correct key phrases to create maximum effect. You might be thinking about the upcoming relevant articles also. The ideal thing to be aware of when writing a resume is to simply adhere to the fundamentals. The Essentials of Hair Stylist Resume You Will be Able to Learn From Beginning Right Away However technically skilled youre, you have to be in a position to attach with your customers to sell your products and services. At the very least you will obtain experience and at best, you are going to get started building a base of your own customers who might follow you whenever you move to some other shop. The future of hairstyling appears bright. Therell always be people who would like to have their hair styled, so the problem of market availability shouldnt be an issue. Whichever your qualifications are, you wi ll want to send a Legal Resume Template if youre planning to work below a professional first. Trainees are expected to get their very own standard working equipment. Resumes differ slightly, based on the kind of position youre applying for, but all of them should have a couple of essential characteristics. Using Hair Stylist Resume Besides the forementioned details, its important to realise that its good to create the look and feel of your resume attractive, it ought not be overdone in order to defeat its objective. If you wish to succeed, you will need to begin by making a superb first impression. Once youre sure that being a stylist is something you would like to do, its then time to enroll into an official hairstyling school. You might also be asked to be part of a hairstyling team which has been contracted for a significant fashion show. As soon as you finalize the source, you may download as many as you require. There are many websites which delivers a Resume builder facility. Make sure that you provide all your contact details. You have to offer relevant, concise details. Hair Stylist Resume The very best hair stylists are capable of using their customer service abilities to develop a loyal customer base as time passes. Learn which certifications and skill youll want to have in your hair stylist resume. Youre a skilled hair stylist and have the capability to produce anyone seem gorgeous. If professional hair stylist resume are prepared to apply for your very first job for a hair stylist, you would like to be sure your resume helps you stick out from other applicants. Hair Stylist Resume - the Conspiracy If you wish to discover the ideal job for a hairstylist, your resume should highlight your talent in addition to your creativity. Resumes may be arranged in many ways. As an example, contact info, career objective, key abilities, education, certifications, technical abilities, and expert experience are a few examples of items that all resumes should include. Communication skills are also rather important. Finding the most suitable career doesnt mean settling for the very first job opportunity that arises. A career for a hairstylist involves many diverse abilities and quite a little training. Not every business requires the exact same quantity of knowledge and skills a hair stylist at the same company might not have to execute the exact tasks at another. If you wish to develop into a makeup artist, you have to be cool under pressure and have to deliver prior to a deadline. The secret to an effective hair stylist resume is having the ability to showoff the complete selection of your talents while at precisely the same time meeting the requirements of a particular employer. You have to have an expert hair stylist resume rapport with your customers to make certain they keep patronizing your expert services.

Monday, December 2, 2019

6 Communication Tips That Will Make You a Better Leader

6 Communication Tips That Will Make You a Better Leader Article by Dan ScalcoWhether you manage employees, coordinate a gruppe of volunteers, serve on a board, or are in charge of juggling your familys schedule, your leadership skills hinge on your ability to communicate effectively with others. Here are six communication tipsthat will make you a better leader, improve your relationships with other people, and boost your teams productivity and morale1. Know YourselfAll good communication starts from a place of self-awareness. When youre communicating with other people, you need to be aware of your innerhalb monologue. You dont want to take out your bad mood on someone else. Its also important to know what youre hoping to achieve from a given interaction so you can tailor your message accordingly.2. Know Your AudienceThe best communication occurs when you understand the rolle youre speaking to. Knowing your audiences motivations, learning styles, and p referred communication methods allows you to adapt your message to make it more effective for the context. Making a personal connection facilitates empathy, puts people at ease, and builds trust.Just one caveat In order to be effective, personal connections need to be genuine, not exploitative.3. Be Direct, Specific, and ClearClear communication increases the likelihood that people will comprehend your message and take whatever action you may be asking of them. Its better to over-explain something than to leave room for misunderstanding.Whenever youre delivering an assignment or asking for assistance from someone, focus on providing simple, actionable, and specific instructions. Its helpful to prepare your thoughts in advance so you can communicate all the relevant details. Dont end a conversation until youre sure the other person understands your objectives and how to achieve them. Deliver instructions in a friendly, open way so the other person knows they can approach you with fol low-up questions.4. Pay Attention to Nonverbal CommunicationPlenty of research suggests nonverbal communication is just as important as what a person says, if noteven more important. Facial expressions, hand gestures, posture, and eye contact all play a major role in affirming or undermining your message.Whenever youre talking with someone, try to be aware of both your own body language and the body language of your conversation partner. In particular, pay attention to whether your body language aligns with what youre saying this will help you to be a more trustworthy communicator and make youseem more self-assured.5. Listen More Than You SpeakOne of the best ways to encourage open and honest communication within a group is to model active listening. When someone is speaking to you, really listen to what theyre saying. Ask follow-up questions to demonstrate that youre paying attention and to make sure there are no miscommunications. Keep an open mind and focus on thoughtfully respon ding to what people say instead of immediately reacting.This practice builds rapport and understanding between the communicating parties.6. Be Positive and RespectfulTo cultivate loyalty and boost team performance, prioritize transparent, fair, and respectful communication within the group. Dont hold your status over other people or use coercion or fear as motivators. Instead, focus on bringing an honest, positive, and ego-less attitude to every situation that arises. Serving as a cheerleader instead of an autocrat helps maintain morale and can even facilitate creativity and effective problem-solving.Each of the above tips represents an ongoing practice. You wont master them in a day or even a year. Instead, youll need to commit to practicing these strategies for life. The more you implement these skills, the more theyll start to feel like second nature and the more your leadership abilities will benefit.A version of this article originally appeared on SUCCESS.com.Dan Scalco is the founder and director of marketing at Digitalux, a digital marketing agency located in Hoboken, New Jersey. Throughout his career, he has helped hundreds of businesses save time, increase leads, and maximize sales. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Video Advanced Manufacturing 3D Printing Is Changing the World

Video Advanced Manufacturing 3D Printing Is Changing the World Video Advanced Manufacturing 3D Printing Is Changing the World Video Advanced Manufacturing 3D Printing Is Changing the WorldExploring the role Additive Manufacturing plays in the 21st century, and its relevance to early career engineers and engineering students as they look forward to entering the workforce Jay Beversdorf, Application Engineer, Stratasys, Inc. moderates a five-part discussion with a panel of experts.The panelist have in-depth knowledge and experience in the manufacturing industry Dr. Farzad Rayegani, Ph.D., P. Eng., FEC., Associate Dean, Professor Director, Centre of Advanced Manufacturing and Design Technologies James Janeteas, President CEO, Cimetrix Solutions, Inc. Timothy Simpson, Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Penn State University and William Predebon, Mechanical Engineering Department Chair, and Engineering Mechanics Professor at Michigan Tech.Part 5 Manufacturing experts discu ss trends in technology and the direction they perceive additive manufacturing will take as it is further developed and accessible. The copyright of this program is owned by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Synthesizing Squid-Based Thermoplastics

Synthesizing Squid-Based Thermoplastics Synthesizing Squid-Based Thermoplastics Now squid has more than just table appeal. Researchers at Penn State University have developed a thermoplastic from squid proteins that is remarkably versatile and can be used in 3D printing. Most companies interested in thermoplastics have focused on synthetic plastics, states Melik C. Demirel, prof of engineering science and mechanics at Penn State University and leader of the research team. Synthetic plastics are, however, not rapidly deployable for field applications and, more importantly, are not ecofriendly. This innovative research is the result of a broader approach that Demirel terms genomechanics which brings together engineering mechanics, genomics, large-scale computation, materials science and design, and manufacturing. The research involved four phases Discovery the extraction and sequencing of genomic information to identify elastomeric proteins. Synthesis the process that produces the high-strength proteins. Properties computational simulations of molecular structures are designed and linked to experimental properties. Biomimicry scale-up of the process is performed in a biodegradable, but less expensive, polymer to produce high-volume materials. Compared to polymers manufactured from fossil fuels and synthetic oils, biosynthetic polymers are ecofriendly, biodegradable, lightweight, can be fabricated at room temperature, have gene-sequenced tunable strength and properties, and lend themselves to low-energy and low-cost manufacturing processes, says Demirel. We are opening up a new field of material property design based on tunable genetic sequencing-structure-property relationships. Unique Physical Properties Following this four-point protocol, Demirel and his team have researched a novel fibrious proteinsquid ring teeth (SRT)for the last four years. SRT protein exhibits an unusual and reversible transition from a solid to a rubber and can be thermally shap ed into any 3D geometry (for example, fibers, colloids, and thin films). We have demonstrated that SRT has excellent mechanical, structural, and optical properties, in both wet and dry conditions, which exceed most natural and synthetic polymers, he adds. When cut in half, the SRT-based plastic sticks itself back together with a drop of water. stellung Demirel Lab at Penn State University Demirel is also impressed by the self-repair ability of this protein. For example, his team was able to cut a SRT sample in half and repair it by applying pressure and warm water (view video). Most plastics are derived from fossil fuel sources like crude oil. Thermoplastics have properties that allow them to be melted, formed, and cooled without degrading the materials unique physical properties. The SRT team created is semi-crystalline and can be rigid or soft. It also shows a very high tensile strength. Another interesting characteristic is that, as a wet adhesive, it sticks to other materials, e ven if it is wet, expanding the possibilities of combining it with other materials for specialized manufacturing purposes. SRT is a versatile material that can be dissolved in a simple solvent like acetic acid and used in film casting, or it can be extruded or injection-molded like other thermoplastic materials. Results also show that SRT can be used as a 3D printing material to create products with complex, geometric shapes and features. Fortunately, squids do not need to be collected and sacrificed to make SRT, which can be manufactured synthetically using recombinant gene technology. SRT protein genes are inserted into E. coli bacteria, which then produce SRT molecules as part of their prototyp biological functions. The thermoplastic is then harvested from the E. coli environment. Moving Forward The discovery of this remarkable thermoplastic material shows how new classes of functional biomimetic materials can be synthesized and manufactured through an understanding of how nature customizes biomolecules to createfunctional materials with tailored physical properties. Because it is a protein, SRT can be used for medical or cosmetic applications where biocompatibility is of top concern. The next generation of materials will be governed by molecular composition sequence, structure, and properties, says Demirel. Direct extraction or recombinant expression of protein-based thermoplastics opens up new avenues for materials fabrication and synthesis. Eventually these materials will be competitive with the high-end, synthetic, oil-based plastics. On a broader scale, I envisage applications of genomechanics in high-performance textiles, green cosmetics, medical implants, biosensing, and combatting bioterrorism, among many others. Mark Crawford is an independent writer. Explore the latest trends in bioengineering at ASMEs Global Congress on NanoEngineering for Medicine and Biology. For Further DiscussionWe are opening up a new field of material property design based on tunable genetic sequencing-structure-property relationships.Prof. Melik C. Demirel, Penn State University

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Why Teleworking May Not Work for All Organizations

Why Teleworking May notlagelage Work for All OrganizationsWhy Teleworking May Not Work for All OrganizationsThe pros and cons of allowing employees to work remotely, or telework, have been debated hotly in the work world for years. The current trend supports flexible employee schedules, work accommodations and enabling employees to work at least part of the time remotely. Telecommuting is increasing as employers consider the costs of providing physical space for employees, the environment, and the work-life balance of employees. In fact, research by Kate Lister, an internationally respected and quoted expert on teleworking (work shifting), and Tom Hamish indicates that regular telecommuting grew by 61% between 2005 and 2009 and that 45% of U.S. jobs are compatible with teleworking part of the time. It has become commonplace to hear that employers will be unable to recruit the next generation of workers without the flexibility that Gen Y wants from their employer. Additionally, with t he war for talent that will occur as employers recruit hard-to-find skills and experiences in upcoming years, they may need to hire employees who cant move to the employers site for lifestyle, family and related reasons that include two career couples. So, increasingly, the on-the-street wisdom, favors flexible schedules that allow employees to work remotely, at least part of the time. But, once something like working remotely becomes common wisdom among employers, the disadvantages rear their ugly head. And, some disadvantages include working with managers to successfully manage remote employees, maintaining productivity, measurable work, and job compatibility. Yahoos Teleworking Decree In this environment, Yahoos CEO, Marissa Mayer, sent a shock wave through the business and media worlds when her Executive Vice President of People and Development, Jacqueline Reses, announced new rules regarding Yahoos working remotely. (Reses, who was hired by Mayer in September 2012 is respon sible for leading Human Resources and talent acquisition and corporate and business development.) To become the absolute best place to work, communication and collaboration will be important, so we need to be working side-by-side. That is why it is critical that we are all present in our offices. Some of the best decisions and insights come from hallway and cafeteria discussions, meeting new people, and impromptu team meetings. Speed and quality are often sacrificed when we work from home. We need to be one Yahoo, and that starts with physically being together.Beginning in June, were asking all employees with work-from-home arrangements to work in Yahoo offices. Taken from the internal memo that Reses sent to all Yahoo Staff. According to Forbes, Mayers major, early focuses started with Free food and iPhones, but high expectationsFocus on breathing new life into the core Yahoo products which, while still generating good traffic, need better engagement and monetizationReducing needle ss bureaucracyShipping fastFocus on the end userKeeping the ad tech stack The new decree which affects several hundred full-time remote employees and unknown numbers of Yahoos who work remotely a couple of days a week comes as Mayer and Reses have had time to learn the culture. Some early commentary expressed disappointment in the choices Mayer has made as CEO. For example, Lisa Belkin, writing at the Huffington Post, says, I had hope for Marissa Mayer. Id thought that while she was breaking some barriers becoming the youngest woman CEO ever lead a Fortune 500 company, and certainly the first to do it while pregnant she might take on the challenge of breaking a number of others. That shed use her platform and her power to make Yahoo an example of a modern family-friendly workplace. That she would embrace the thinking that new tools and technology deserve an equally new approach to where and how employees are allowed to work.Instead she began by announcing that she would take just a two week maternity leave, which might have been all she needed, but which sent the message that this kind of macho-never-slowed-down-by-the-pesky-realities-of-life-outside-the-office was expected of everyone. The New York Times Maureen Dowd also expressed disappointment at Yahoos great leap backward. The 37-year-old super geek with the supermodel looks was the youngest Fortune 500 chief executive. And she was in the third trimester of her first pregnancy. Many women were thrilleuchtdiode at the thought that biases against hiring women who were expecting, or planning to be, might be melting.A couple months later, it gave her female fans pause when the Yahoo CEO took a mere two-week maternity pause. She built a nursery next to her office at her own expense, to make working almost straight through easier. Dowd said further Many women were appalled at the Yahoo news, noting that Mayer, with her penthouse atop the San Francisco Four Seasons, her Oscar de la Rentas and her $117 million five-year contract, seems oblivious to the fact that for many of her less-privileged sisters with young children, telecommuting is a lifeline to a manageable life. Telecommuting May Not Support Optimal Collaboration But, others disagree with teleworking as an optimal solution for collaboration. The surprising question we get is How many people telecommute at Google? Google CFO Patrick Pichette said at a talk last week in Australia, And our answer is As few as possible There is something magical about sharing meals. There is something magical about spending the time together, about noodling on ideas, about asking at the computer What do you think of this? These are the magical moments that we think at Google are immensely important in the development of your company, of your own personal development and of building much stronger communities. Mayer is bucking a trend that many in business see as inevitable. In support of her decision, these factors may have led to the decision. T he Yahoo culture is broken, by many reports. With serial CEOs (six in six years), and inside employees claiming that a lot of the remote employees are disgruntled and low producers, Mayer may feel that she needs to get everyone together to build a new culture from scratch. Thats hard to do with employees whom you rarely see.She comes from a culture, at Google, where telecommuting was discouraged because of the belief in the magic of informal collaboration. She is used to innovating in that environment and saw that it succeeded. Yahoo is years behind its competitors and Mayer may see this as a way of speeding up innovation and collaboration to bring Yahoo current in technology times. If the actions of the Board are looked at historically, six CEOs in six years doesnt send a supportive message to Mayer if she cant turn the company around fast.She is willing to lose a percentage of the employees who feel this decision is draconian, unfair, family unfriendly, and backward thinking. Thi s may be her way of downsizing.A famously data-driven decision maker, Mayer who was frustrated by Yahoo parking lots with few cars at work, checked Virtual Private Network or VPN logs. She determined that teleworking Yahoo employees were not checking in often enough. According to Nicholas Carson at the Business Insider, she used this data to make her decision. Does Yahoos Mayer have it right? Only time will tell if shes making good decisions. But, the decisions that shes making may be exactly right for Yahoo right now. Ben Waber, PhD, President/CEO of Sociometric Solutions and author of the forthcoming book, People Analytics How Social Sensing Technology Will Transform Business and What It Tells Us about the Future of Work (FT Press, May 2013) says that they are. Waber, who is a visiting scientist at the MIT Media Lab, says that research using sensor and digital communication data and analyzing results provides an understanding of how employees work and collaborate. He argues that working onsite is more productive and Yahoo has it right for these reasons. He says Theres a big difference between telecommuting occasionally and working from home every day of the year. Occasional telecommuting allows people to deal with one-time events and promotes a less stressful work environment. Remote work, however, means that you lack a social connection to your colleagues. In general, this relates to lower job satisfaction for the entire company, higher turnover, and lower productivity.There are many long-term benefits of co-location. Bumping into people in the hallway can create new connections that lead to new ideas. By getting to know your colleagues better, you can also find better ways to communicate with them and support them if they have personal problems. Particularly relevant to Yahoo, in data from a software company we found that remote programming groups were 8% less likely than co-located groups to communicate about critical software dependencies. Telecommuting and remote employees can work for some organizations quite effectively as I have reported in the past when good decisions and management effectiveness exist. But, for some organizations, the current needs must override the commitment to providing a work setting that takes into consideration the employees desire to telecommute to balance work and life. Yahoos traditional mismanagement, fractured culture, environment of failure thinking, and inability to address poor employee performance, call for heroic efforts. Mayer has stood up to the criticism. The rest of us can learn from both her courage and the possibility that telecommuting is not right for every organization - all of the time - or even some of the time. More Related to Teleworking Top 10 Human Resources Trends of the DecadeHow to Negotiate a Flexible ScheduleWork Schedule Choices Employees Love