Monday, December 16, 2019

5 Fun Things to Do for Your Career This Summer - The Muse

5 Fun Things to Do for Your Career This Summer - The Muse5 Fun Things to Do for Your Career This SummerI know, I know. Summer is a time for relaxing, for heading out at 5 PM sharp to enjoy a rooftop happy hour, for taking it a little, well, easy. Youll focus on scoring that versetzung getting your resume whipped into shape after Labor Day, right? Im with you Everyone needs a little down time, and summers the perfect time to take it. But, the lazy days of June, July, and August are also a great time to knock out a few of those activities you never seem to find time for the rest of the year.So, this season, check these five career-related to-dos off your list. (But dont worry, theyre all easy- and fun.) 1. Do Some Summer ReadingRemember that book your boss put on your desk in February- that you just havent gotten around to yet? Or the 10 pages about Designing Your Life you read before the new season of your favorite Netflix binge started? Yeah.But since youre lounging by the pool anywa y, add a bit of productivity the mix by picking up (or picking back up) one or two career-related books youve been meaning to check out. Need some inspiration? Check out this list of the 21 Books Thatll Get You Ahead at Work. 2. Throw a PartyOK, by party, I mean networking event- but hear me out Everyones in the mood for potlucks, BBQs, and happy hours all summer, so why not host one with a job-related focus? Have a few friends pick up the same book youre reading, then discuss over white wine on your patio. Or, grab three friends in your industry, ask them to each invite three others, and have a get-to-know-you happy hour after work. Youll make nine new connections with next to no effort Alternatively, you could invite your department over to your place for an office BBQ- its a fun, easy way to get to know your employees or team members better. 3. Take Long Lunch MeetingsWhen summer hours or mora relaxed workdays roll around, all you want to do is take long lunches on a patio, righ t? So, do it But, take advantage of this time and challenge yourself to set up lunch dates with one to two professional contacts each month. If youre looking for a new gig, pick people who work for the companies you love. (This template is perfect if its a cold ask to a stranger.)Want to score that promotion? Choose people youve worked with before or who are higher up in your industry who can give you insight into what it takes to get to the next level. Or, take a co-worker youve been wanting to get to know better or one of the interns who might benefit from your expertise (he or she will appreciate the out-of-office time, too).4. Make a List of Your Dream CompaniesUnless youre planning to stay at your company until you retire, its always a good idea to have a running list of organizations youd be thrilled to work for on hand. So, spend some time on a lazy afternoon (when you dont want to be doing anything else) browsing the web for workplaces in your area or field. What companies d o the kind of work youd love to do? Which have awesome clients or fantastic perks? What places do you hear about over and over as being great places to work? You can follow your favorite companies on social media or LinkedIn, pin photos from their websites to Pinterest, or- of course- favorite them on The Muse. Then, next time youre job-hunting- whether its in September or three years from now, youll have a great starting place. 5. DaydreamHeres the easiest, most fun one of all Treat yourself to a couple hours on a beach, on your roof deck, or in a hammock. Get comfortable, relax, and then allow yourself to just daydream about where your career might take you- two, five, even 10 years from now. Dont focus on whats possible or what you might have to do to get there- just allow your mind to wander and dream about the stuff that you probably dont get to in your day-to-day life. Do you want to be in a more creative role? Head up a new product or your department? Have a job that lets you travel? Start your own business? If youd rather, you can jot down your thoughts in a notebook or share them with a friend. Have something awesome in mind? Great. Now, think of just one thing you can do thatll help you get there. But dont worry- you can save that task for the fall.

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